ELEMENTAL publishes articles that discuss how to apply our techniques and teaching in real life situations. Feel free to share with everyone.

At the heart of ELEMENTAL is its founder, Christian Maurice. Christian has studied extensively in Microbiology, Immunology/Hematology, Histology and Biochemistry.


Christian is a certified Functional Medicine practitioner who has trained everyone from weekend warriors to Olympic athletes.


He’s rehabilitated injured high-level athletes and stunt performers, prepared national, world and Arnold’s Classic Fitness winners and regularly performs drastic Hollywood actor/actress body transformations. The key to Christian's success is his ability to combine knowledge from the fields of Medicine, Psychology, Biochemistry and Biology and develop a multifaceted analytical protocol to define a personalized roadmap to wellness.


3 Tips to break plateaus !

By Christian Maurice
September 19, 2017
Category: Body Transformation

So you’ve been on this nutrition plan and training regimen that worked well to begin with, but now you just hit a wall.  Results are not showing up anymore, you hit what we call a plateau. You may have tried to break it without any significant success.  You think you are already doing everything possible nutrition wise, that calories are at their lowest and your training is maxed out.   No issue possible right? Being at a plateau phase is not the end of the road; it just means that you need to stop f... Continue reading

Eat your proteins!…ok but what are proteins?

By Christian Maurice
February 20, 2017
Category: Nutrition

Everyone knows you should eat enough proteins. What are proteins? Translated from the ancient Greek word proteios, meaning primary, first or most important. Going from Greek to geek, it means “any of various naturally occurring extremely complex substances that consist of amino-acid residues joined by peptide bonds, contain(ing) the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, usually sulphur, and occasionally other elements (phosphorus or iron), and... Continue reading

Votre résultat sanguin : Normal ou Optimal?

By Christian Maurice
January 10, 2017
Category: Articles en Français

Donc vous sortez de chez le médecin ; vous pensiez avoir quelque chose, tous vos résultats sont normaux, mais vous vous sentez malade, il y a quelque chose qui cloche.  Commençons par parler des normes utilisées lors des tests de laboratoire.  Premièrement, soyons clairs – je ne suis pas là pour établir mon diagnostic ou le vôtre, mais pour éduquer, tenter d’expliquer des principes médicaux complexes dans un vocabulaire et un format accessible.  Mon souhait est que vous deveniez meilleur à juge... Continue reading

Are we missing the point ?

By Christian Maurice
November 29, 2016
Category: Functional Medicine


Naturopaths fight against traditional medicine doctors, traditional medicine doctors fight against chiropractors, psychologists and Chinese medicine practitioners are on their own and where is the Ayurvedic medicine in all that? What is the common factor in every one of these fields?  They exist to help patients get better!  They exist to make you get better!

 ... Continue reading

Your metabolism is slower... What's going on?

By Christian Maurice
November 14, 2016
Category: Functional Medicine


Everywhere I go, someone manages to ask me a question about health, nutrition or training. One topic that comes back often is thyroid issues (especially on the sluggish side) because a lot of symptoms are well known by the general population.  To name a few: low energy, unexplained weight gain, cold extremities, thinning hair, dry skin, and goiter.  Often, the person I’m talking to wi... Continue reading

Tags: thyroid low energy weight gain blood test functional medicine body transformation

Is your blood test normal or optimal?

By Christian Maurice
November 07, 2016
Category: Functional Medicine

So you went to the doctor, you thought you had something wrong and everything came back normal, but you still really feel sick.  Let’s talk about the meaning of normal laboratory ranges.  First of all, I just want to make something clear, the idea behind my articles is not to diagnose yourself or others, but to educate by explaining complex medical principals in layman’s term.  My hope is that you’ll get better at judging the validity of the information read in newspapers or covered in different pop... Continue reading

Tags: Medical health practicioner population normal range statistics results


By Christian Maurice
October 25, 2016
Category: Body Transformation

Look for our next courses in the "seminar" section!

Elemental is founded on the core values of respect, open-mindedness, active listening, honesty and authenticity. At the heart of Elemental is its founder, Christian Maurice. Christian has studied extensively Microbiology, Immunology / Hermatology, Histology and Biochemistry.

Christian is a certified Functional Medicine practitioner that has trained everyone from weekend warriors to Olympians athletes. He’s rehabiliated injured high level... Continue reading

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​ John Smith


​ January 1, 2030


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© Elemental 2016